Saturday, September 18, 2010

Heart Matters #10

This will be the final posting on this subject.  Thanks for following and for praying for Kathy-Lu.

Kathy-Lu has continued to gain strength.  She is glad to be able to once again attend church services.  She likes to walk--outside when the weather is good and in the mall when the weather is not.  The other day she told me that she cannot go shopping every time she goes to walk in the mall, or it becomes a very expensive way to exercise.  Sounds like a wise decision to me.

We are pleased that she is now off the heavy-duty pain medication and will only take Tylenol when it is needed (not very often).  She continues to take the other heart-related medications until the doctor/specialists say she can stop.

She definitely wishes that she did not need to experience all the pain and discomfort of having this surgery.  However we are all thankful for the improvement that we have observed in her health and have hope that things will get even better.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Heart Matters #9

Matter of the Heart

Create in me a clean heart, O God.”  Psalm 51:10 TLB

Ever blamed your plight on Washington? (If they’d lower the tax rates, my business would work.) Inculpated your family for your failure? (Mom always liked my sister more.) ...

Consider the prayer of David: “Create in me a new heart, O God... ”

Real change is an inside job. You might alter things a day or two with money and systems, but the heart of the matter is and always will be, the matter of the heart.

1 of 365 devotionals in Everyday Blessings  (September 13)


Wherever Kathy-Lu goes, she takes her heart with her.  You may think this is rather obvious, but I am referring to the small red heart-shaped pillow that she was given at the hospital.  She carries wherever she goes.  

It is signed by the staff of the cardiac surgery recovery ward.  Those words of encouragement are nice, but that is not the reason she carries it with her.  In fact, it would be more meaningful to carry the other red heart-shaped pillow that we have at our house with her, because family and friends have written Bible verses and words of encouragement on it.  There is a greater sense of connection with those comments because there is a closer relationship with those people.  (Be sure to add your name and words of encouragement on it if you come to visit.)  She wants to preserve that pillow, so it does not go with her as often as the other one does.

The truth of the matter is that she carries that small pillow as a reminder to herself to be careful and protect her rib area.  She does not want to do anything that would strain that area, slowing down the healing process.  So whether she is going through the motions of lying down, getting up, walking, coughing or sneezing...she can grip the pillow and prevent herself from doing actions that will injure the area that is still very fragile. 

Kathy-Lu is looking forward to the day when that pillow is not longer needed.  That day will come.  In the meantime we are thankful that she has it, helping to remind her to do her part in the healing process.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Heart Matters #8

It is now two weeks since I got to kiss and talk to my Sweetie for the first time after her surgery.  I see lots of progress.  I am encouraged with how well she is doing.

I have found it interesting to hear her mention that she still senses that her heart is beating with some irregular beats, similar to what it did prior to the surgery.  She was told that it would take time for her heart to adjust.  Prior to surgery, the adjustment in the heartbeat was one of the ways that the heart compensated for the reduced efficiency.  It has done that for many years.  It will take time for a new regular heartbeat pattern to become the new norm.  It is almost as if the heart must learn to function in its suddenly changed state of improved efficiency.  Hearing this has once again reminded us of the miraculously intricate nature of the bodies that God has created.

Her ability to walk has increased substantially over the past week  Her appetite has improved.  So progress in being made in many areas.

Kathy-Lu has enjoyed some short visits with friends.  Because she had company, I was able to take the opportunity to do some errands and even attend a meeting.  Being able to do this is another sign that she is advancing on the path to healing and wholeness.

Thanks for checking in.  I will look forward to sharing another glimpse into the recovery process next week.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Heart Matters #7

Kathy-Lu has now reached the one-week milestone after her surgery.  It is hard to believe that she has come so far in such a short period of time.  Praise be to the healing power of Jesus Christ!

Her progress is being closely monitored and reported to our family doctor.  The two major emphases at this time are infection prevention and pain management.  The challenge is to be active without injuring the healing breast bone.

Recently she has had good days and some that were not quite so good when it comes to pain management.  We are finding that it is very important to take pain medication on schedule.  But there are still times when the pain elevates and she is in great discomfort.  At times the pain is sufficient to wake her or prevents her from being able to sleep as long as she would like.   Please pray for wisdom as we do what we can to remove the peaks and valleys of the pain, and for God to do the rest in alleviating the pain.

Currently she is doing well to remember to grip her heart pillow when changing position or coughing.   She is attempting daily walks on level ground around our apartment complex.  Please join us in asking God for increased strength on a daily basis.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Heart Matters #6

SURPRISE!  Kathy-Lu is home!

The doctor released her to continue the recovery journey at home.  

Ethan visited after she got home, and heard some of the humorous incidents that Kathy-Lu experienced in the hospital.  His reaction was:  "It sounds like we sent Mom to camp.  She has come home with all these stories."

Thanks for following these progress reports and for praying.  Updates will continue but probably will not be on a daily basis in the future.

Heart Matters #5

It is Sunday morning, and a good opportunity to direct prayer and praise to God for the good things He is doing, including His loving care for Kathy-Lu.

She had a good day yesterday.  She said that although she is recovering from surgery and feeling the effects of that, she already feels better in some ways than she did before the surgery.  That is definitely a reason for rejoicing.

She continues to progress well.  Her release from hospital will happen after she is able to accomplish certain tasks without problems with her heart.  These include being able to do her breathing exercises, walk a certain distance, and to climb two flights of stairs.  She is getting very close to reaching those goals, so it looks like it will not be very long before she returns home to continue her recovery there.  If you want to dance with joy as you praise God, go right ahead.  Lorne would have been last night if sleep hadn't claimed him first.

She was able to talk with Elyssa on the phone last evening.  I think that was good for both of them.  We are thankful for God's presence and strength as family members have faced these days with slightly higher stress.  He is an awesome God.

Kathy-Lu has been encouraged as I have taken messages from friends to her.  She is looking forward to reading them again after she returns home.  It will most likely be a little while before she is able to achieve her heart's desire to be corresponding with many of you again.  But, little by little some of those goals will probably be reached too.

Thanks for joining with us today as we express thanks to God for His expressions of mercy and grace toward Kathy-Lu and our family.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Heart Matters #4

Kathy-Lu had a good day today.  She went to the exercise class, walked in the hallway, and was able to be sitting for all meals.  It was encouraging to see her doing so well.

They moved her into another room this afternoon.  One of the "hidden benefits" is that one of her new roommates is a believer.  I am sure that the two of them will have some opportunities to share and encourage each other.

We appreciate the many words of encouragement and assurances that many of you have sent.  We also appreciate all who are praying for her.  God has blessed us with a great support team.